About YCB

YCB (Yoga Certification Board) established by Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, is the Board which has been set up by Government for certification in the field of Yoga.


Introduction: Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and science of healthy living. The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, meaning ‘to join’ or ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite’. As per Yogic scriptures the practice of Yoga leads to the union of individual consciousness with that of the Universal Consciousness, indicating a perfect harmony between the mind and body, Man & Nature.

The Fundamentals of Yoga Sadhana:

Yoga works on the level of one’s body, mind, emotion and energy. This has given rise to four broad classifications of Yoga: karma yoga, where we utilize the body; bhakti yoga, where we utilize the emotions; gyana yoga, where we utilize the mind and intelect; and kriya yoga, where we utilize the energy.

Now-a-days, millions and millions of people across the globe have benefitted by the practice of Yoga which has been preserved and promoted by the great eminent Yoga Masters from ancient time to this date.The practice of Yoga is blossoming, and growing more vibrant every day.


Three types of Courses are being offered as shown below:

Yoga Protocol Instructor (Level -1):

Requirement/ Eligibility:

  • For open candidates there is no eligibility criteria
  • For admission in the course it is suggested/ desired that the candidate should have passed 10 th standard / secondary school certificate from a recognized board or equivalent. However, the Yoga Institutions can define their own eligibility

Brief Role Description: Certified Yoga Professionals (Yoga Protocol Instructor) can teach basics of Yoga / common Yoga protocol developed by the Ministry of AYUSH for International Day of Yoga for prevention of diseases and promotion of health. They can conduct Yoga practice /classes in parks, societies, RWA etc.

Minimum age: No age limit

Mark Distribution: Total Marks: 200 (Theory: 60 + Practical: 140)

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Yoga Wellness Instructor (Level-2)

Requirement/ Eligibility:

  • For open candidates there is no eligibility criteria
  • For admission in the course it is suggested that the candidate should have passed 12 th standard/ higher secondary school certificate from a recognized board or equivalent. However, the Yoga Institutions can define their own eligibility

Brief Role Description: Certified Yoga Professionals (Yoga Wellness Instructor) to teach Yoga for prevention of illness and promotion of wellness in schools, Yoga studios, work places, Yoga wellness centres/ Primary Health care centres etc .

Minimum age: No age limit

Mark Distribution: Total Marks: 200 (Theory: 60 + Practical: 140)

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Yoga Teacher and Evaluator (Level-3)

Requirement/ Eligibility:

  • For open candidates there is no eligibility criteria
  • For admission in the course it is suggested/ desired that the candidate should be graduate in any stream from a recognized University or equivalent. However, the Yoga Institutions can define their own eligibility.

Brief Role Description: Master Trainers in Yoga educational Institutions, Yoga training Courses and training programs. He or she can also act as Evaluator and assessor of Yoga professionals. Can teach in studios, Institutions, colleges/ universities/ Institutions of higher Learning.

Minimum age: No age limit

Mark Distribution: Total Marks: 200 (Theory: 80+Practical – 120)

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Balance body and mind

When we think about health, diet and exercise are typically the first things that come to mind. However, good health isn’t just about the physical body. Our mind and body are interconnected and affect each other tremendously.

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